Non-gearbox Kart Meeting

Kirkistown Motor Racing Circuit 130 Rubane Road, Kircubbin, Co. Down

Note: All events are subject to COVID restrictions and may not take place! Bambino Cadet IAME Cade Mini Max Jnr Max Rotax Max

Non-Gearbox Kart Racing

Kirkistown Motor Racing Circuit 130 Rubane Road, Kircubbin, Co. Down

1st round of the NIKA Championships for non-gearbox karts.  Classes include Bambino, Honda Cadet, IAME Cadet, Rotax Mini Max, Rotax Junior Max, Rotax Max.

Season Opening Car And Superkart Race Meeting

Kirkistown Motor Racing Circuit 130 Rubane Road, Kircubbin, Co. Down

Including Legends, FF1600, Superkarts, Saloons & GTs, Fiestas, Mazda MX5s, Roadsports and N.I. 7evens. Formula Vees.  

K-Plate Non-gearbox Kart Test

Kirkistown Motor Racing Circuit 130 Rubane Road, Kircubbin, Co. Down

Test evening for non-gearbox karts

K-Plate Non-Gearbox Kart Race Meeting

Kirkistown Motor Racing Circuit 130 Rubane Road, Kircubbin, Co. Down

K-Plate meeting featuring Bambino, Honda Cadet, IAME Cadet, Rotax Mini Max, Rotax Junior Max, Rotax Max.

Car And Superkart Race Meeting

Kirkistown Motor Racing Circuit 130 Rubane Road, Kircubbin, Co. Down

Featuring; Superkarts, FF1600, Saloons and GTs, Fiestas, Roadsports, Mazda MX5s.  

Car And Superkart Race Meeting

Kirkistown Motor Racing Circuit 130 Rubane Road, Kircubbin, Co. Down

Featuring; Saloons and GTs, Seat Supercopas and Supercars, FF1600, Superkarts, Fiestas, Roadsports, Mazda MX5s, Formula Sheane.

Non-Gearbox Kart Race Meeting

Kirkistown Motor Racing Circuit 130 Rubane Road, Kircubbin, Co. Down

Round 5 of NIKA Championships featuring Bambino, Honda Cadet, IAME Cadet, Rotax Mini Max, Rotax Junior Max, Rotax Max.

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